Aron Lörincz, Boris Ondreička, Borsos Lörinc, DIS, Julian-Jakob Kneer, Mara Oláh Omara, Marek Kvetan, Viktor Frešo, Vladimír Houdek

Curators: Nikolas Bernáth, Petra Wesserle
Organised by VUNU Gallery at Kasárne/Kulturpark Košice

EN: The exhibition project “H: Prince of Drama” with the subtitle “Between personal tragedy and political drama” focuses on the conflict of man as a social, cultural and political being. The exhibition examines the dispute, or the causation of the situation and its causal connections as one of the main processes for achieving the results of the will and changing in the state of things and affairs. The conflict includes local and global, extra-and introspective, living nature, but also what we considered as non-living. Conflict is a strategic move to achieve a goal on the other side and portends tension. The exhibition also explores drama, in the context of personal life events and in the context of the literary genre itself. The name of the exhibition refers to W. Shakespeare's most famous literary work: “The Tragedy of Hamlet: The Prince of Denmark". The main character Hamlet struggles with the central conflict concerning the politics of his own family (with a broader political impact), but also a personal conflict - as the meaning of life crisis. Paradoxically to the title, Hamlet in the work suppresses his political function (prince of Denmark) at the expense of obsession with drama, as an artistic discipline, and also drama in the sense of the need for tension, excitement and life circumstances. The project is thus a speculative exposure of a literary work / theatre play, to the media of the exhibition, which works with contemporary cultural-social and politicaleconomic realities. H: Prince of Drama wants to appropriate a literary / dramatic work in this way, in order to create an exhibition that is itself a metamedia / metawork that absorbs other media and works. The project thus reopens perhaps the most famous work of W. Shakespeare - Hamlet, in order to reinterpret it in a "foreign medium" in the current context and realities. The duality of drama / conflict, tension / causation of life on the personal (private) and political (public) levels is another basic thematic starting point. In the original text, even the protagonist Hamlet abandons his interest in his political role - the prince of Denmark, and instead of an active political executive, he is more interested in creating situations where the performance of reality and the exposure of a personal tragedy accelerate broader political processes with a societal impact. The exhibition thus explores the limits of an individual's involvement in the role of a political being/citizen and his participation in the whole societal and therefore macro reality/drama, in contradiction to the micro reality of personal experience and isolation or absence in public affairs. At the same time, the exhibition raises the question of whether the constantly emerging causality, manifested by a situational problem that triggers subsequent action and reactions, is not a basic or even necessary nutriment for humans, which feeds the hunger for drama as such.

16.12.2022 - 15.01.2023

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