Ezra Šimek “You May Say I'm a Dreamer but I'm Actually Dissociating”

Kurátor: Nikolas Bernáth

The show “You May Say I’m a Dreamer but I’m Actually Dissociating” brings together a newly formed narrative line through the work of Ezra Šimek. The educational character of their older works focusing on trans* knowledge 101 meets poetic abstraction and research into marginalized communities in the latest film trilogy exploring and appropriating archetypes from popular culture, namely figures of the Cowboy and the Witch. The soft tissue binding the works slides over various societal, learnt and encoded norms around the gender binary and internalized trans* hate and violence, not even mentioning the homophobia so ingrained in local culture and politics.

Ezra Šimek (*1997) graduated in Photography (Studio of New Aesthetic) from Prague’s Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague and now continues with their MA in TransArts at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, diploma studies at the Digital Media and Moving Image Studio at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna as well as an MA in contemporary art theory at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Slovakia. In their work, Ezra primarily deals with queer identity politics and sensitivity around language, presented through various time-based media (film, performative lecture, computer game) or site-responsive installations, sound works and writing.

Their work has been presented within the Czech art scene at the National Gallery in Prague (2022), Prague City Gallery (2022), or Svetova 1 (2022) and abroad, for example at the Museum for Contemporary Art Zagreb (2022), Kunsthalle Wien (2022) and Haus Wien, Vienna (2021). They are the holder of the Jindřich Chalupecký Art Award 2022.Katarína Bajkayová (1994) absolventka magisterského štúdia na Fakulte umení Technickej univerzity v Košiciach, kde je v súčasnosti doktorandkou. Venuje sa predovšetkým tvorbe priestorových inštalácií. Využíva keramiku v kombinácii s inými materiálmi. V súčasnosti sa zaujíma najmä o témy sociálnych vzťahov, bývania a erotiky, ktoré skúma v kontextoch prírodných vied, architektúry a literatúry.

21.11.2022 - 16.12.2022

Z verejných zdrojov podporil fond na podporu umenia




Katarína Bajkayová - Lullabies for our unborn babies